Wednesday 26 March 2014

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Sorry just ignore that one, what do you think about this picture
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what do u say about the picture of the mask do you think that it is nice

Saturday 14 December 2013

Hi Everyone

My name is Salih.

I have a friend called Ryan Smith.

He is half irish/itailian and he and I are best friends.

He is 18 years old and I am 21 years old.

He and I became friends in thc 2 years ago in MO2

We did many things together as partners.

Here are a couple of pictures of us talking to each other one is a picture of us on the spider web the other is a picture of Ryan Smith talking on his i phone.

Tell me people what do you guys think about this new blog that I am making to add to my comment so then make sure you read this blog that I am writing because it might be good for everyone to read you know.

This is a good message for everyone to read so then people will know who I am and who me best friend is at last so then I can help people solve mysteries and other things.

Hope u guys like the blog that I am writing and hopefully Ryan Smith will too like it because I even have a picture of me and him together on the spider web.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Hi everyone
How do you lot like my pictures of power rangers and I have a best friend called Ryan Smith, he is half irish/italian friend ever because he is me best mate you know so can you guys check if you like me power rangers pictures or not because, I Salih am the green ranger, Mohi is red, Fatima is yellow, Rafi is blue, Fariha is pink and Imad is titanium. hopefully you guys will like me as the new professional of the blog so please try and check me power rangers pictures as soon as possible ok.

From the green ranger Salih ok dudes. 

Hi everyone

How do you like the rotoscoping here is a picture of me walking up the stairs can u guys try and make me look professional and try to get everyone voting for me as soon as u can and hopefully u guys will like this photoshop that I have done already ok dudes because i am the greatest sals person ever so hopefully u lot can check me blog as soon as possible.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Big Blog

I am the creativest person ever and i always liked to draw things because i am the greatest painter/artist ever to create stuff because i like the colour green because green is me favourite colour and I am also the green ranger and i have a best friend, who is half irish/italian person ever because he is me best mate and we are the best of friends, whatever religion we are and the ages of us are 21 to 18 and did you know that Ryan Smith is the comedian as well as a normal person he is and I, Salih Uddin am also a joker and a zibrian and can read minds also to tell people who is going to shout or tell us off with my magic powers.