Saturday 14 December 2013

Hi Everyone

My name is Salih.

I have a friend called Ryan Smith.

He is half irish/itailian and he and I are best friends.

He is 18 years old and I am 21 years old.

He and I became friends in thc 2 years ago in MO2

We did many things together as partners.

Here are a couple of pictures of us talking to each other one is a picture of us on the spider web the other is a picture of Ryan Smith talking on his i phone.

Tell me people what do you guys think about this new blog that I am making to add to my comment so then make sure you read this blog that I am writing because it might be good for everyone to read you know.

This is a good message for everyone to read so then people will know who I am and who me best friend is at last so then I can help people solve mysteries and other things.

Hope u guys like the blog that I am writing and hopefully Ryan Smith will too like it because I even have a picture of me and him together on the spider web.

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